In this post, we train a PyTorch Faster RCNN ResNet50 FPN V2 model on the PlantDoc dataset for plant disease detection. ...
Plant Disease Detection using the PlantDoc Dataset and PyTorch Faster RCNN

In this post, we train a PyTorch Faster RCNN ResNet50 FPN V2 model on the PlantDoc dataset for plant disease detection. ...
This tutorial trains a Faster RCNN ResNet50 FPN V2 model for apple scab detection using the PyTorch deep learning framework. ...
This post shows the process of fine tuning a PyTorch Faster RCNN ResNet50 FPN V2 model on a smoke detection dataset. ...
Train a Faster RCNN ResNet50 FPN V2 object detection model on PPE Kit detection dataset using PyTorch. ...
This blog post explores the new Faster RCNN ResNet50 FPN V2 model and carries out detection on images and videos. ...
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