August 6, 2018. That was the date I decided to commit myself towards the #100DaysOfCode challenge.

Image Credit – Pixabay
I was learning web development on my own(and still learning) and I thought that if I want to become a better developer or programmer then coding consistently everyday is the only solution. Before committing myself to this challenge I always searched for a perfect road map for whatever I learned. But the result was not always satisfactory and most of the time very vaguely fulfilled.
Soon, I realised that more time was being spent on searching for a perfect plan than real coding or programming. Although I was learning from FreeCodeCamp (which is an awesome platform to learn Web Development for free) and they provide the full course along with real projects still there a lack of motivation from time to time.
Apparently it became clear that consistency was more of a deciding factor for success than a perfect plan. From them on I decided to code at least for an hour everyday for 100 days.
But many of you may be thinking – ‘What does coding for an hour everyday look like ? Is it typing on the keyboard maniacally while your eyes search for that tiny error somewhere on the millionth line of code because you forgot to put the semicolon.’ Short answer – NO.
You don’t just have to type away an hour. An hour of coding can mean anything related to coding ranging from learning a new framework, doing a new algorithm challenge everyday or just continuing to watch your video tutorial. Surely, you will come across errors and some days after just 5 minutes of coding you will get stuck for the rest 55 minutes. Happened with me a few times for sure. But these are the demotivating factors that you have to overcome and carry on the next day.
Now, another question arises. Is it even possible to code everyday for an hour ? That’s what I thought in the beginning. But once I got started then the fear of losing the progress and the improvements that I saw along the way eventually helped me overcome any apprehensions that I had.
Many of you may be thinking that it is not for you. That you do not have enough free time in a day to commit to coding. Now, the next few lines may seem a bit rude and boastful too, but the truth is – I am also a college student who has 8 hours of class five days a week. Along with that add a couple of assignments for each subject in each semester and of course, don’t forget the exams. If I was able to do it so could you.
Was it easy for me to do it everyday? Of course not. Am I the best Web Developer now ? No. Did I become a better programmer ? Yes.
Well, the truth is I am still learning a lot everyday and I am ready to help and share whatever I know. I am not claiming that I know everything. And that’s why I am ready to learn from other’s as well if they wish to Contact Me and help them as well. That’s it. That’s all I have to say.
So, please take up the challenge. You may fall once or twice but eventually you will complete the challenge. If you want to learn more about the #100DaysOfCode challenge then you visit this site.
And finally, if you liked this post and learned something from it please comment and share it with others.
Great job, wish you all the success.
Thanks. Will try to post quality content.